Postgraduate Students
Rica Garcia
MSc (2021-2023)

Rica obtained her MSc under the supervision of Dr. Cristina Trujillo at Trinity College Dublin focused on halogen bonds within Organocatalysis.

Iñigo obtained his PhD at Trinity College Dublin in Feb 2024, his thesis was focused on “Theoretical development of new class of phase transfer catalysts”.
Research Assistants
Visiting Researchers

During 4 months, Max was part of the Trujillo Group, working on asymmetric catalysis, with the help of the HPC-Europe3 European program.

Marina is a PhD student from the Masers group at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia in Tarragona, Spain. She spent three months in the group in 2024. During her visit, she was studying an electrocatalyzed asymmetric reaction.
Dr. Alberto Cruz
In 2023, Alberto visited the group for 3 months.
Summer Students
2022 – James O’Brien and Matas Misevicius – Trinity College Dublin
2021 – Diana Bura and Daniel Graczyk – Trinity College Dublin